
Independence day resurgence film poster
Independence day resurgence film poster

independence day resurgence film poster independence day resurgence film poster

It's also worth noting that societal, industrial, or intellectual change can be as relevant as raw technological development for 'progress'. So overall, yes, technology appears to grow in an exponential way, but in reality it's entirely possible that barring some new scientific insights (which there are probably still plenty to see), we as a species would probably plateau technologically in as little as 100 years. It takes major breakthroughs to continue that exponential growth, and often time those breakthroughs come as a result of indirect research in other fields. Hell, even the likes of Intel, one of the global businesses for which a huge number of earth's most brilliant minds work, hasn't been improving at the same pace as they were in the late 90's-early 2000's. After Independence Day redefined the event movie genre, the next epic chapter delivers global spectacle on an unimaginable scale. Smartphone technology is no longer improving as quickly / drastically. Independence Day Resurgence (2016) Primary Poster Independence Day Resurgence Plot. Independence Day: Resurgence - New 2016 Original Movie Poster D/ 19 Independence Day: Resurgence - New 2016 Original Movie Poster D/ Entertainment Memorabilia Movie Memorabilia Posters Originals-United States 2000-Now Independence Day: Resurgence - New Movie Limited time for free shipping Original D 2016 Poster Poster,2016,Entertainment. Then again technology in one singular field doesn't really grow 'exponentially' forever it grows exponentially up to a certain point and then plateaus. It's also possible that a combination of politics, bureaucracy, industrial forces, or sheer isolation/distance result in one splinter/harvester group of aliens just using the same gear for 50+ years.

Independence day resurgence film poster